What is a polypectomy?
Nasal polypectomy, or nasal polyp surgery, is a surgical procedure for polyp removal in the nasal passages. These nasal polyps may be tied to chronic sinus infections, allergies, asthma or the result of an isolated phenomenon.
Why is a polypectomy performed?
In some cases, nasal polyps are small and cause no symptoms. Larger polyps can keep the sinuses from draining, leading to sinus infection. If you have polyps, you may be more likely to suffer from frequent sinus infections, also known as chronic sinusitis.
Most people with polyps are first prescribed nasal corticosteroid sprays, which can reduce the size of nasal polyps and restore normal sinus function. When they are large and obstructive, or do not respond to medications, nasal polyp surgery may be recommended.
What does a polypectomy involve?
Nasal polyp removal is performed in-office, using local anesthesia. A small mechanical suction device called a microdebrider is used to completely remove your nasal polyps. Endoscopic imaging tools provide a clear view into the nasal passages during the procedure, so that it can be performed precisely and efficiently. Since the procedure is performed via your nostrils, no external incisions will be necessary.
Following your nasal polyps treatment, you will be able to return to work and resume your normal activities immediately. You should avoid strenuous activity for the first several days so that your nose can fully heal. Any nasal discharge or congestion that you experience should dissipate within a few days. For a few weeks following surgery, you should avoid smoky polluted areas and use care while blowing your nose.
What are the advantages of undergoing a polypectomy?
Nasal polyps can lead to symptoms that hinder your quality of life, including trouble breathing and chronic sinus infections. By removing polyps, your sinuses can drain properly, which can improve your overall health.
If you are suffering from nasal polyps and believe you may need a polypectomy, the first step towards feeling better is to schedule an evaluation with an experienced ear, nose and throat doctor. Board certified physicians with New York ENT have extensive experience diagnosing and treating a wide variety of nasal conditions. Fill out the form on this page or call our office at 212-873-6036 to schedule an appointment today.